Welcome to the Ozark Fly Fishers

Founded 1971
A Missouri 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation


George Daniel will be the speaker at February’s all day Meeting at Community Christian Church.

The list of upcoming events:

  • Feb 14, Fly Tying with George Daniel,                                                                                        Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 13014 Olive Blvd, Creve Coeur MO (Enter at back of church) - sign-up required

  • Feb 15  All-day Presentation by George Daniel Daniel                                                          Community Christian Church, 623 Meramec Station Road, Ballwin, MO 63021

  • March 8 - Chile Tie-in at Marlans church, about 9am to noon

  • March 20 - Mark Van Patten - Current River

  • April 24 - Brian Waldrop - Midges

  • May 22 - John van Vliet - Driftless Area

  • June 12 - Picnic at Tilles Park Windegger shelter

  • July 24 - TBD

  • Aug 21 - Logan Huff, Morgan Guss of The Diamond State Fly Co Arkansas

Paul Jackson

Sizing chart

I attached a sizing chart I have mounted at my tying desk. I thought I would share with the group.

Dean  573-268-5050


If you have questions about the following events,

contact Scott Darrough at: 314-560-1335 or swdarrough@yahoo.com


March 15, 2025: Biologic Stream Monitoring - 10:00 am

Krautmann Farm, 8095 State Road BB, Hillsboro, MO 63050

- by invitation from the Belews Creek Watershed Partnership - Stream Team 3853

Hey OFF members! Can you identify the classic aquatic organisms that fly fishers imitate? Mayflies, Stoneflies, Caddisflies, etc.…If you cannot, then here is an event that will let you do so. Whether you are versed on this subject or not, we want you to attend. This will be hands on “fun” learning - easy to comprehend. The first thing attendees need to understand about this event is that there are NO stupid questions. All questions and queries are welcome and encouraged. Questions are how we learn. We want you to learn all about the awesome biodiversity in this beautiful Ozark stream. We will look at the insects, crustaceans, worms, mollusks and possibly fish inhabitants. Our nets will “tell” the story of the stream. We can also discuss the riparian plant life and the watershed in general, if there is an interest. All members and non-members are welcome. Parents are encouraged to bring their children. Depending on the number of attendees, we may deploy multiple net racks. Other Stream Teams will be invited as well. This typically is an awesome time of the year to monitor. The organisms tend to be bigger and more plentiful, as they have not yet emerged and left the stream. Waders are not necessary for those who do not have them as, the nets will be carried to dry land where we can study in comfort. Attendees will be encouraged to pluck specimens from the nets (with forceps) and place them in divided trays for better observation and identification.

Please notify Scott Darrough at 314-560-1335 or swdarrough@yahoo.com if attending. Environmental conditions this time of year can be unpredictable, and the event may need to be cancelled or rescheduled.

Note that there is adequate parking. This stream is a short drive from the St. Louis region. Come, enjoy the camaraderie, as we learn about this beautiful stream .

July 18-20, 2025: 15th Annual Missouri Stream Team Outing - Montauk State Park

This event spotlights the Missouri Stream Team Program offering numerous opportunities combining the sport of fly fishing and science. Keeping with tradition, various presentations and activities are planned. Currently this outing is in its planning stage. Continue to watch for upcoming details.

July 26, 2025: 29th Annual Watershed Celebration –

Meramec State Park - by invitation from Stream Teams United

Do not miss this “Grand Picnic”! There will be opportunities for members to volunteer for casting and fly-tying instruction, tying safety pin flies and manning the Stream Team macroinvertebrate display. This event provides an opportunity to promote conservation and recruit new members. It is also a fun time.



August 23, 2025: 58th Annual Operation Clean Stream –

Byrnes Mill City Park - by invitation from the Trashmanian Devils Stream Team 3797

Ozark members are invited to attend this clean-up of the Meramec watershed. Details will follow in the months to come.


Lilley’s posted the new rates for 2025.  The table below lists the new rates for the rooms we reserved for the nights of October 9, 10 and 11, 2025.  OFF is supposed to pay a deposit of ½ up front and the remainder 180 days before the event (April 9?). 

The “per bedroom” amount is what OFF members would pay for all three nights during the event, assuming we are charging by the room (which I think is simplest).


Room    Type    Price For  Night Rate  Nights   Total   Per Bedroom 

17   4-bedroom LF    8 adults      $346          3       $1,039     $260

19     2-bedroom LF    4 adults      $231         3         $692     $346

20   2-bedroom LF    4 adult        $231       3         $692     $346

23     3-bedroom OL  4 adults     $311         3         $932     $311

Total                                                                         $3,354

 OL-Off Lake    LF-Lake Front                 (extra adults +7 per night)                    

 So far I have had the following requests:

Unit 17 – Ed Heist (with Kate), Paul Jackson, Dan Rasch and Jeff Cohen

Thanks, Ed!